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General conventions we use in the upcoach API


Please see the Authentication section.


The filter query parameters can be used to add filtering to the result collection. You can use multiple filters at the same time.



All the endpoints returning a paginated result collection have the following response structure:

    "data": [...], // Result collection
    "links": {
      "first": "...", // First page URL
      "last": "...", // Last page URL
      "prev": "...", // Previous page URL, can be null
      "next": "..." // Next page URL, can be null
    "meta": {
    "current_page": 1, // Current page number
    "from": 1, // Showing the results from index
    "last_page": // Last page number,
    "path": "...", // URL path to pagination
    "per_page": 15, // Records per page
    "to": 15, // Showing the results to index
    "total": 21 // Total records

In order to simply paginate through records, all you need to do is to follow the next and prev links in the response.


The sort query parameter is used to determine by which property the results collection will be ordered. Sorting is ascending by default and can be reversed by adding a hyphen (-) to the start of the property name.
