Getting Started


In the previous step, we discussed blocks and their functioning within the iframe structure. In this step, we'll delve into technical details. If you have static content that you want to show to everyone, defining the URL address of that page as the connector URL when creating a block will be sufficient. However, if you wish to provide personalized content based on the user, program, and permission level (member, coach), you'll need to dynamically generate this content using the data received in your iframe address.

upcoach sends different data depending on the type of connector URL. For the Settings URL block, since it operates independently of the program and block, only organization-level information is included.

Blocks: The following information is included: App ID, Custom App Block ID, Organization ID, Current User ID, Program ID, Problem Block ID, and Current User Role.

Settings: App ID, Organization ID, and Current User ID are sent.

After arranging this information alphabetically by key, it is hashed using MD5, and the secret key makes it valid for one hour. You can verify the accuracy of the data by comparing the hash you generate using the same algorithm with the hash sent to you.

To access more details with the received information, you can utilize upcoach APIs. For example, to access user information based on the user ID, you can use the "/apps/programs/$programId/members?filter[id]={$userId}" endpoint. Don't forget to use the organization-specific token provided to you through the installation webhook when making requests to this address! Additionally, you need to include two custom header values in your API requests: X-UP-App (your custom application ID) and X-UP-Organization (the organization ID provided through the installation webhook).

You can find all endpoints, usage details, and resources on the API page for further information.
